About Us
Designed by God, especially for you!
In 1999, God touched the heart of our leader, Rev. Dr. Shari Herring, to hold retreats and meetings for women. In 2001, in an effort to follow God’s design to have free/low-cost retreats, and meetings, Shari started a management consulting company. BUT, this was not her God-given purpose, so by the end of 2001, everything ended.
After many personal setbacks, stumbling blocks, and distractions, Inspiration Retreats was born early in 2008, exactly seven years later. Throughout this time, God kept the desire to host retreats in Shari’s heart. God told her that the time was NOW to hold retreats. This held much significance for Dr. Shari, as the number seven represents completion and the number eight represents new beginnings. The past had been completed and now God had created a new beginning!
We pray that you participate in an upcoming retreat, God has designed each, so you will not be disappointed!
The mission of Inspiration Retreats is to provide exceptional retreats and meetings for women that are conducted professionally, in an atmosphere of praise to Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Inspiration Retreats, Inc. will be recognized globally, as a leading resource for providing spiritual retreats and events for hurting people.
The Inspiration Retreats logo is inspired by God as representative of women, praise, and purple for royalty. God wants to receive praise from women who are royalty in Him.
The Inspiration Retreats theme song: “He’ll Give You Rest” was created by Minister Cheryl Torain. Minister Torain is an anointed woman of God, who has written several books, and has produced several audio recordings.